Let's salute to our Indian Army together, We are proud to be Indian.
On the 4th December, 1971, an aircraft fully loaded with armaments stores met with an accident on landing at a forward Air Force Base. The nose wheel of the aircraft had collapsed and the aircraft caught fire. In spite of the inherent danger of an explosion due to missiles and other armament stores being loaded on the aircraft, Corporal Jai Raj Vind undertook the hazardous task of putting out the fire. He did this successfully despite being in the close vicinity of the burning aircraft, with complete disregard of his personal safety. It was through his determined efforts that he succeeded in putting out the fire; he thereby saved the life of the pilot and also avoided the aircraft becoming a complete wreck.
The conspicuous courage, presence of mind and complete disregard for his personal safety displayed by Corporal Jai Rand Vind, were in the highest traditions of gallantry in the Indian Air Force.